The favor of Luck – an unpredictable thing. When luck accompanies you, it's effect on all: and things are going well, and life becomes much more enjoyable. And that it never turned away, you can yourself make a talisman of happiness, which will work in the direction you want. Exactly how is created and how to attract good luck and prosperity, we will learn further.
Good luck charms and amulets for luck – these are items that are capable of providing the energy impact on the surrounding of the owner of the space, drawing to him the necessary goods. Such a magical "things" may not consist of only its owner happiness, love, happiness in things, in work or study, but also to protect themselves against the attempts of the negative influence from the outside (blight, whammy).

Where to start and what to take into account?
Of course, that similar objects without a job can be purchased in the gift shop, esoteric shop, or ordered on photo personal amulet (mascot or amulet) from a healer or magician, providing the relevant services. Even if they are able to speak the artifact to attract a specific energy flow, it is better to do it yourself magic you play something in domestic conditions. It is assumed that the created with his own hands amulet has the ability to radiate more magical power than the purchased items. Therefore, those who have been thinking about filing well-being, we will tell how to make a good luck charm for yourself.
Before embarking on the creation of magic items, it is necessary to determine its goal – to attract what specific goods will be used of his energy. In addition, it is possible to turn to history and make an amulet or talisman that corresponded to the traditions of family, faith, or nationality (for example, slavic runic symbol, five-pointed star eastern cultures, chinese character, etc.).
An important role in the production of mystical subjects played and used in the process of raw materials. So, the selection of a suitable option, what is the amulet for luck a person can do for themselves, it is necessary to take into account three main criteria:
• The type of exposure. • The materials used. • Aggregorial jurisdiction.Another important point are properly chosen the day and time of the production of mystic gizmos. Best perform magical practices (to do, to activate, to speak), when the moon gets to the stage of its growth. This period is considered optimal to create amulets for good luck or talismans for a specific purpose: to attract wealth, love, money, happiness at work and in the studio, etc. Whether you choose the option of producing for themselves a good luck charm (slavic, muslim, chinese or other), it is strongly recommended that in the light of the candles. That is, the ritual to create a magical helper is worth it to spend the evening or at night.
It is advisable to know which day of the week is considered appropriate for the holding of the ceremonies production of mystical assistants. First you need to decide what will be the type and character of the influence of the amulet, as it is the day of the week, for that domestic production of the subject depends on its purpose:
- On Monday, side accepted for the creation of magical things, because this day is considered to be energy-loaded.
- Business people are hungry to attract good luck, they can make talismans for good luck in business on Tuesday. It is suitable to this day and who wants to be successful in a job, or achieve improvement in your career.
- In the middle, it is appropriate to make talismans of luck to those who has a relationship to the field of trade.
- Thursday – best day to make amulets for good luck, focused on the diplomatic aspect of the life of the owner. Also Thursday, the suitable for the production of attracting good luck in the study of magic and amulets.
- In order to ensure privacy and try your luck in love, personally it is better to create amulets on Friday.
- They want to attract good luck in each of its fields of activities of people can be considered for implementation of the mystic objects on Saturday.
- Sunday – the optimal time for the creation of various gizmos on the success and happiness of conducting themselves in politics.
When defined the day for the manufacture and type of magical items, you can move on to the final phase. To made the amulet for happiness with his own hands bring the necessary the owner of the goods (money and wealth, love, success in affairs, happiness at work, etc.), what is important is the inner attitude. Of course, that strong desire to better "working" on the involvement of the specific energy of the flow.
Therefore, to convert this potential magic of the course is to help him come to the realization of the desired in a shorter time. So before to be considered for the creation of this or that mystical gizmos to attract good luck (five-pointed star, the rune marking, amulet in the style of Cabal, etc.), it is necessary to tune into the positive "wave" and think about the favors of Fortune for a particular purpose.

The most popular
The most popular amulets to attract good luck considered decorative brooms and the star Pentagram. How you can make them yourself, read on.
Whisk brooms — magical helpers, that securely protects the house from evil and negative influences from the outside, the drawing of good luck and happiness for each family member. So it's not just the amulets and amulets for good luck. It is quite possible to make yourself at home. What is the most important – pre-select the day and prepare everything necessary for the ritual materials.
Complicated to create these items to attract luck nothing. To slavic beater has become an effective tool in achieving the desired objectives, should be made only from natural materials. As pictures show, is for the implementation of such amuleta need:
- The stems of cereals for the basics of the craft;
- Red wool yarn for tying;
- Dried flowers, clove of garlic, beans, peas, corn, beans, coins – for decoration.
To the house of the sneaking vermin, and also wealth began to be still more in it, slavic traditional whisk to prepare better and start talking about happiness, that on Saturday, when the growing moon. As the decoration of the listed products are selected not simply so. Each of the components symbolizes a certain aspect of human life, in which help is needed of Fortune:
- Cereals, beans, peas – characters well-being, harmony and peace in the family;
- Coins grab the various wealth into the house;
- The dried flowers are used to enhance the skills of the magical helper.
First the foundation is created according to the type of folk slavic broom. Then they are attached elements listed. When will be ready the amulet for lucky and money, well-being and protection, it is necessary to talk. The magic words that helps you to activate the product, to serve the assistance of lord home: "Now it's my good luck charm! Let me your happiness, wealth, all kinds of good will and bad weather and woes away lead!"
Then some time to hold in the hands of such an amulet, created for attracting good luck and well-being. After the product is ready to use.
The star of the Pentagram, shown in the photo is part of the western magical heritage. This pentagram is one of the oldest symbols, which serve to protect its owner and brings him luck.
The star, as well as decorative slavic broom, can be made at home from scrap materials. So as this magical friend of mine has the favor of the people, related to trade, do it better in the middle. For the ritual need:
- Be cut a circle of green or gold color of the cardboard – it will be drawn by a star;
- Marker black color;
- Candle of green wax.
Light a candle and its light, draw the pentagram in the shape of a star. Take the cardboard, on which was a five-pointed star, and look at her, trying to fill his internal potency. Now the amulet is charged and ready to use.
The star, as well as any other amulet for fortune (money, wealth, etc.) may be stored in your purse, or breast pocket. The main condition of their effectiveness – contact with the owner.